by Peter Gallagher | Sep 9, 2015 | Club Challenge
Great Job Everyone! A few words from Janie News (Australia): Hi John, After watching ODCC’s September YouTube show, I’m blown away by the quality and variety of photographs from just 15 people. If he eyes are the windows to the soul, I think...
by Peter Gallagher | Sep 4, 2015 | Club Challenge, Club Documents, Monthly Meetings
Ready for immediate release is the NEW Club Brochure for the 2015-16 Season. ODCC Brochure 2015-16_v3FINAL – CLICK for .pdf copy! A few copies will be available at the meeting. NB. Special thanks to Vicki for assisting with the “Proofing” process!...
by Peter Gallagher | Aug 17, 2015 | Club Documents
Notice to Past/Future Members of the ODCC: Please feel free to download and mail or bring a copy of the 2015-16 ODCC Season Membership Form. Our Season Brochure is still under construction, but will be published soon! Find the pdf document...
by Peter Gallagher | Jul 4, 2015 | Events and Tours
Hey everyone, Mila has offered us some great deals at great attractions in the Midland Area! We may not be able to get the great group rate with guided tours, but if you want to see any of these great venues at your leisure for only $5.00 more ….. keep reading....