Meet the Prez – Part 1

by | Nov 30, 2017 | Club News

I hope you are looking forward to the 2018 season of the Orillia Camera Club. Our first meeting will be on January 10th at 7:30pm in the smaller meeting room at the Rotary Place in Orillia.

Our new club president is Aris Pakalns. Aris was actively involved in two different camera clubs in the Newmarket area and although he only joined our club last year, he has generously agreed to step into the President role. But who is Aris Pakalns? I asked him a few questions to delve into the depths and personality of our newest President.

1. Which Camera Brand hangs around your neck?
 I shoot Canon (and any Nikon users that I meet).   That’s a joke.
2. How do you take your coffee?
 I take my coffee with one cream (and a doughnut).
3. Favourite place to shoot photos?
 I do not have a favourite place to shoot (but I like it to be unusual).
4. A favourite subject for your photos?
I am not a street photographer.  Otherwise, anything goes.
5. What is your favourite lens?
Favourite lens is 70 – 200 zoom.