ODCC Monthly Slideshow for September

by | Sep 9, 2015 | Club Challenge

Great Job Everyone!


A few words from Janie News (Australia):


Hi John,

After watching ODCC’s September YouTube show, I’m blown away by the quality and variety of photographs from just 15 people. If he eyes are the windows to the soul, I think photographs are windows to peoples lives: viewing your work has given me a fascinating look into life in Canada, and I especially enjoyed all the native wildlife, flowers and scenery.

Thank you for all your complimentary words in your presentation, including a quote from my article in the PSA Journal many years ago. I can’t wait for Len to come home to show him the slideshow.

There is nothing I would need to change, but thank you for the offer.

Kind Regards,



***September Slideshow Link***

<Link Above>