The CNE has started!
First, the sad news. Although I am well into retirement mode, the CNE still signifies the end of summer for me. The cool, rainy days don’t help either.
Now, the good news. Remember that your ODCC membership is paid up to the end of 2018 so you do not have to bring any money to the September meeting.
Some additional good news. The first meeting of the fall is planned as an outing to Regan House at Scout Valley so you HAVE to bring your camera. We should have some good photographic opportunities there.
Even more good news. We will use this outing as a training opportunity for the less experienced among us. If you have questions about technique, camera settings, composition etc you will have an opportunity to learn from more experienced photographers.
Date: Wednesday, September 12
Time: 7 pm. (please note earlier start time so that we can catch the light)
Location: Scout Valley (entrance from Line 15, just south of Old Barrie Rd.)
Rain Location: If the weather does not cooperate, we will meet at our usual location in Rotary Place at 7:30 pm. I will send out an email on Wednesday morning confirming the location so please check your emails then.
Finally, remember that John is waiting for your “What summer means to me” images for the slideshow.
See you in three weeks