Fall Vintage Film Camera Show

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Events and Tours

Hello from London, Ontario Canada,
We’d like to invite you to the FRIENDLIEST (and 2nd largest?) Vintage Film Camera Show taking place in London Ontario.

Our Spring 2017 show was huge – almost 400 people and a record 73 tables of all manner of FILM PHOTOGRAPHY items – cameras (all ages, formats, styles, brands), lenses, accessories, lighting, darkroom stuff, medium and large format equipment, books/manuals, FILM, bags, collectibles, hard to find vintage items and much more. Why take a chance ordering online or via auction…see, try and ask questions about your items before you buy – face-to-face with an experienced local dealer. Buy in Canadian funds, no shipping, customs or additional fees. Safer, smarter and way more fun.


Sunday, September 30th, 2018
From: 10:00am to 3:00pm


Carling Heights Community Centre,
656 Elizabeth Street, London, Ontario, Canada.
* That’s right “behind” Wolseley Barracks on Oxford Street.
Access via Oxford Street or Adelaide Street, look for the big yellow signs

Admission $4 adults, film lovers under 16 free. Free parking and lots of it. Great door prize draw!



…and our massive on-line Facebook film photography community:
London Vintage Film Camera Shows.

We hope to see film lovers from across the province and across the border on SEPT 30th.
Thanks for letting us share this invitation with your camera club members.
~ Maureen and Ron Tucker